English: Portrait of the elders of Paiwan people. On the upper reaches of Taimali Creek, Dawu Mountain moved to Zhengxing Village in Jinfeng Township. Due to the large number of people, half of them moved to Xinyuan Village in Taitung City. They can only meet their family members at the annual festival. The tears are for the time they have lost with each other.
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We are from the upper reaches of the Taimali River. We moved from Dawu Mountain to Zhengxing Village, Jinfeng Township. Due to the large number of people, half of us had to move to Xinyuan Village, Taitung City. But it was bought with time and miss.
Ech fichié-lo i conprinte des informacions métadatas éq ils sont suremint rajoutées par echl’apàrèl foto limérique ou ech éscanère utilisé pou l' créer. Si ch' fichié o té canjé dpui sin étot avoyé, quéques détals peute n'poin corésponne à l’imache modifiée.