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Ch'fichié i vient éd Wikimedia Commons. I put ète uzé pèr d’eutes prodjés. Vir l'pache édseur Commons.


English: Han Dan is one of God of wealthy in Taiwan. According to the tale, Han Dan is afraid of coldness. When he patrols, the citizens will fire the firecrackers to make him warm. There is a custom in Taiwan. When a man play a role of Han Dan, he has to suffer the pain of firecrackers bombing on his body which means that he can wash his sin away or bring blessings to his family.
中文(繁體):寒單是台灣的民間信仰神祇,為掌管財富之神,相傳寒單怕冷,所以出巡的時候,民眾皆會燃放鞭炮,幫祂祛寒。 在台灣會由男子扮演寒單接受炮炸,忍受著劇烈的痛苦,為了祈求洗滌罪惡、祈求改運或是為家人祈福。
Logo Wiki Loves Folklore This media has been taken in the country: Taiwan
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Auteu Yake2434


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This file was awarded as the consolation winning image in Wiki Loves Folklore 2023.
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5 ed Févrié 2023

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courant15 ed Févrié 2023 à 13:36Image pou l'vérchon éd 15 ed Févrié 2023 à 13:365 616 × 3 744 (15,6 Mio)Yake2434Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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